So the semester is winding down, and its a bittersweet time.. I am so ready to go home but I am going to miss a lot of things from here too..So here is a list of 10 things I can't wait to do this summer and 10 things I am going to miss about JBU
10 things I can't wait for:
1. To have no homework or school responsibilities!!!
2. To be home
3. To play with my puppy!
4.To live at Falls Creek with my two best friends!! AHHH!!
5. Laying Out while listening to beach music
6. My pool
7. Driving with the windows down, music up, and air conditioner blasting
8. Getting my hair did...haha
9. Going to 3 of my close friends weddings!! weird!
10. Seeing where things go! ;)
10 Things I'm going to miss about JBU:
1. MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Endless supply of movies
3. My roomie
4. The caf...HAHAHAHA JK
5. Having 2,000 people around me at all times (i guess that will happen at Falls Creek)
6. Concerts in Fayetteville
7. Photography (yes i know, its a class..but I love it!)
8. American Idol nights with Adam
9.Did I say my friends?