Friday, May 25, 2007

these are a few of my favorite things

This blog is not about my trip to California, its just a blog about some of my favorite things:

*late night drives with the windows down and the music up (one of the best therapies there is in my opinion)
*coffee in the evenings with something sweet
* The sun, its rising or its setting
*how the moon sometimes peeks out during the day just to say hello
* a pen and some blank paper
*finding a new artist you absolutely love!!!
*talking to your best friend, not saying much but she understands everything
*Open windows
*the smell of summer
*music thats so good it gives you goosebumps
*old friendships
*new friendships
*not knowing whats in your future
*college football
*how it gets so calm and quiet before a big rain storm
*the sound of a guitar
*how i get excited when i hear that special ring on my phone
*playing in the rain
*taking pictures
*singing to that one song that seems to fit your life at that exact moment
*disney classics
*reclinable chairs
*letters-writing and getting them
*fast card games
*dancing-like real dancing
*long talks
*when you enjoy someone so much you would stay up till 3 a.m. just to sit there with them
*getting dressed up
*dressing down
*bon fires

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this! It's such a peek inside of who you are -- and you, my darling, are beautiful.

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