Monday, November 1, 2010

November is here!!

I CANNOT believe it is November 1st. This year has just gone by so fast. It has been almost 6 months since I graduated from college! What?! I am definitely not where I thought I would be 6 months after graduating, but I am learning that life rarely/never is how I think it will be. I am still jobless, interning at a new place, and dealing with a lot of big "post grad" questions. Things like "why am I here?" "What am I doing?" "Do I even want to do this anymore?". But I am trying to just enjoy today and to look forward to the things THIS month has to bring. And let me tell you it's going to bring GREAT things! Like:

1. Mid November I am going on a little getaway with a group of amazing people that are quickly becoming my family here in Nashville. We are going to the Smokies to an AMAZING cabin. This weekend will be PERFECT! It will be filled with deep, good conversations, games, amazing scenery, food, laughter, lots of laughter, and memories forever. I just can't wait. HURRY UP!

2. HARRY POTTER comes out in 18 days! (you might say I am excited). I. cannot. wait. It's going to just be incredible. They have started playing more commercials for it and everytime I stop whatever I'm doing and watch.

3. Brooke Fraser (see video post below) is coming to town!! It was sold out and I was super bummed, but I learned tonight that my friend has extra tickets!! It's going to be an amazing night filled with incredible tunes.

4. Thanksgiving. Food. Family. New Mexico. This is the year the ENTIRE family gets together for Thanksgiving. I absolutely adore my family and know it's bound to be a few days of non stop laughing. I know that these times are going to start becoming more and more rare as we all grow up and start our own lives and families so I cherish every second I get to spend with all of them.

These are just the things that are currently on my calendar in November, I'm sure more will come up. Needless to say, I am excited about this month!

What are you looking forward to this month?


Jill said...

oh keisha. i am so with you on that first paragraph. i have now been in DC for half the time i was in college. anyway, your life sounds great and i'm excited for all your fun adventures coming up.

Mama said...

You get to see Brooke Frasier???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inconceivable!! (haha)

Here's what I'm excited about in November: I get to see my family!!!

AND -- I plan to have all Christmas shopping DONE by the end of the month.

(ya, we'll see how that goes....)

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