Monday, January 3, 2011


My last post, though I didn't originally write it, was how I felt, for the past 5 years. This post, is where I am now. And let me tell you. I like now WAY better than I like then.

The first post was by a girl named Meg, check out her wonderful blog. It hit me, it's me, right now:

" You spend months, years, (a year?), weeks, fortnights, minutes, innumerable seconds pining after someone. wanting them, missing them, needing them. feeling unworthy of them-because that's the story that was told. by him? by you? somewhere in all that passing of time you've forgotten. where to lay the blame? doesn't really matter, you suppose. not anymore, anyway. or did it ever?

and then one day you wake and the light has shifted. and the lens comes into focus. and you realize that all along--actually--it was he who was unworthy of you.

and god does that realization feel good."

And this post is another one from Grace. With some edits to the days:

4 Years, 4 months {1,580 days} of you

...and I'm done.

Leaves have grown over the branches of the tree we once sat in, houses have been built along the empty streets we once played in.

In a few months we will barely know each other anymore.

After a while I won't think of you as often.

There will still be days I miss you. There will still be nights I cry.

But you will find someone better for you, and I will find someone better for me.

There will be things we both won't ever forget. We'll look back and smile, and our hearts will clench a little.

When I think of you, I'll always remember you as someone that I loved.



Mama said...

Now this.....

this made me cry.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better myself. Grace indeed has a gift of wisdom and beauty through her words. Words that were always true ring truth yet again. As it was once explained to me, we indeed move on....

Sondra said...

Aw... Amen. I've so been there. The goodbye is liberating, the goodbye opens you up for what and who can REALLY be yours. But that ache, that clench... so true.

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