Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Do You See What I See

Sometimes my heart hurts.
It hurts for my friends who seem to be loosing control.
It hurts for my friends who don't see the person they truly are, or could be if they got themselves out of this cycle they are caught in.
When they decide not to change the things they see in themselves that they don't like.
It hurts me.
It hurts to sit back and watch it happen. To look in their eyes and see this incredible man or woman they can be. I see it. I believe it, but they don't.
I want to put their face between my hands and tell them all these things until they believe it. Until the darkness they have plunged themselves in is pulled back.
I want to see the tears fill their eyes as they realize they've been doing this all wrong. That there is more. That they deserve more.
That they are loved more than they know and that they don't have to keep putting on this show. They can stop. And just be. Just breathe.

Today. My heart hurts. For them.
Because I know they are hurting. More than they let show.

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