Saturday, June 4, 2011

Don't You Forget About Me

I LOVE 80's movies. Like, I could watch them all day kind of love. I don't know what it is about them that captures my heart but they do. Some of my favorite songs come from 80s movies. So in honor of these gems, here are a few of my favorite moments, songs and characters from these beloved classics:

Don't you forget about me

I've Had The Time of My Life

Sixteen Candles

Dirty Dancing

Pretty In Pink

The Breakfast Club

Footloose (I can't believe I forgot this one, Thanks Sara for reminding me!)

What's your favorite 80's movie?


sarahjobell said...

can't buy me love, adventures in babysitting, girls just want to have fun, and footloose were all pretty great too. :)

Mama said...

Is it pathetic that I don't have any idea if I've seen a single 80s movie besides the ones you listed? And I haven't even seen all of those!

You know, it's not because I didn't see any movies....I just have NO IDEA when any movie was made or came out.....ugh.

And, actually, I was raising my kids in the 80s and didn't get out much.....which begs the question: why (and when)have YOU seen all these 80s movies??????? haha

How about Aladdin? 80s???

Keisha Rae said...

mom: hahaha. I guess raising us is an excuse as to why you didn't see some of these, but now, you have no excuse! rent them, watch them, LOVE them. :) here are some others that I forgot:
-Back to the futures 1 2 and 3
-The Princess Bride
-When Harry Met Sally
- Field Of Dreams
-Ferris Bueler's Day Off
-The Goonies
-Say Anything
-Teen Wolf

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