Monday, January 21, 2008

Why has roller blading died?

Today I saw someone roller blading around campus. This is the first time I have seen someone roller blading in like 10 years. At first I thought it was funny and strange, then I found myself thinking, "Why don't people roller blade anymore?" I mean we used to, and this kid was flying across campus with a slight push of his leg. It looked fun. I remember the days of roller blading around my neighborhood and how cool I thought I was because I didn't need the four wheeled skates. Those were the good days. I think a big reason we don't use them anymore is because they are just not convenient. In our hectic busy lives we don't have time to put on and take off roller blades. BUT what if they made retractable roller blades? Huh? or detachable roller blades. You could just strap them on to what ever shoes you were wearing and bam! instant transportation that is so much quicker than walking!! Sure some kinks need to be worked out of it but I think its a darn good idea.

Anyway, I wish I would roller blade again, thats all I'm saying


Anonymous said...

I've got some pretty cute pictures of you in my head during your rollerblading years! Fun times....

Cute blog!

Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, "back in the day" when I was a kid and tootled around on the four-wheeled kind -- GUESS WHAT!!?? They were detachable!!! You just hooked them onto whatever shoes you were wearing!!! Great idea, Keish -- very retro :)

Anonymous said...

um,....yeah, they DO have shoes with wheels on them.

I think we should bring rollerblading back as well. It would be so fun.

jsw said...

I think they made heelies for that-- our hectic busy lives.

But no seriously, when I was 9, rollerblading was huge! Everyone did it, everyone loved it. Recently I polled six 9 year olds: only one of them knew what a rollerblade was. I mean really.

Sherah said...

Kyle and I have rollerblades. He would actually rollerblade to class all the time when we were at school. :) I love to rollerblade. I haven't been since we have been in dallas, but it's fun and relaxing... you should totally invest in some blades and go for it. :) You'd be a total bomb-shell on blades!

Love you lots!

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