Saturday, February 4, 2012

Eating more, eating right and the rest of my week

So this last week has been kind of a rough one.Me and Steve got back from Michigan on Monday night (a post on that trip will be coming soon). Coming back to reality after vacation is never fun. We had gotten spoiled by getting to be together all the time for those 5 days and neither one of us were very excited about going back to sporadically seeing each other for a few hours here and there.

On Thursday night a dad called into the school where I work and proceeded to YELL at me because I didn't know what class his daughter was in and whether or not she made it to school safely (WHAT?! This is a college, not a babysitting service) He yelled and yelled and insulted me and cussed and yelled until he made me cry and then he hung up. Rude, so incredibly rude. I get a lot of angry parents on the phone who take our their frustrations on me and usually I can handle it, but Thursday it got to me and I cried for the first time at work. Stupid mean man.

Tuesday night I was walking into my house after work and all of a sudden got really hot and light headed, my vision got spotty and my hearing muffled. You know that feeling right before you're going to pass out? Ya, that one, just hit me. I made it to my room and laid on my bed but the feeling didn't pass. I was getting hot and then cold and I was really weak and my hands were shaking a lot. It was pretty scary actually. I had felt fine all day and then BAM my body freaked. out. So after calling my mom ( cause momma always knows best) I called Steve and he came over with all kinds of food to help get my blood sugar back up. We all assumed for some reason my blood sugar just dropped. We finally got my shaking under control and I fell asleep. The next morning I felt better but my hands were still shaking. As the day went on and the more I ate, the shaking went away. I felt better, but was still freaked out as to why my body had a little melt down out of nowhere.

Well it turns out it wasn't out of nowhere. That day I had a salad and a bag of Chex Mix to eat all day, that was it. I had also done a pretty good workout. I hadn't given my body what it needed, and not just for that one day. Apparently I had depriving my body of the amount of food it needed for quite some time. Sure I ate everyday and it was usually healthy, but I never ate much. I've never been one to eat a lot and not to mention money is tight so there isn't always an abundance of food choices around the house. I guess it finally caught up to me. Steve is pretty big on health stuff so you can bet I got a lecture on how much I was eating (in the most loving way possible of course), He calculated how many calories I need daily which is about 1900 (that seems like A LOT to me) Tuesday I had probably gotten 500 calories, max, so it's not wonder my body freaked.

Me and Steve made a deal that we would both start eating more and eating right. Neither one of us have done a good job of that lately and while at the moment it might not seem like that big of a deal in the long run it can cause all kinds of health problems and apparently I'm a little more sensitive to it than I thought. We have promised to eat out less in order to have money to always have food in our houses and to no longer skip meals.. I've eaten breakfast everyday (something I NEVER did) and have had 3 real meals with some healthy snacking in between. Granted it's only been 2 days, but hey you gotta start somewhere right? I definitely don't want a repeat of the other night, so here's to eating...a lot....

But the weekend is finally here and that means lots of uninterrupted time of hanging out with my guy, cooking delicious homemade meals, watching movies, only leaving the couch when absolutely necessary and of course on Sunday watching the Super Bowl with all of my favorite people. Hallelujah.  


Mama said...

Hallelujah and amen.

Jill said...

love you, keisha.

ps: march 7-10. write that shit down.

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