Monday, February 27, 2012

Random Thoughts On A Monday

These are some things I am currently thinking:
1. I really want to be by a beach today. To walk along the sidewalk and hear the waves crashing and to stop into a beach side diner and eat some amazing food and then get some ice cream and walk along the shore line.
2. Water without lemon is boring
3. I really want a bagel
4. I think that if it's February and its 65 degrees and sunny outside that it should be illegal to make me sit inside at a desk.
5. One of the main reasons I want a full time job is so that I can get a dog. Yes, to be more financially stable, to stop having to get so much money from my parents, to be responsible and an adult and blah blah blah, but mostly so I can get a dog. This dog to be specific:

6. I hate doctors appointments. hate. them.
7. People who look right at you when they walk by and don't smile bother me.
8. I enjoy making lists
9. It has been entirely too long since I have been to a concert. My soul needs a good live show
10. I wish someone had invented teleportation already. Distance, and time and money are stupid things to get in the way of seeing your family or friends.  stupid stupid stupid

The end.

Happy Monday


Mama said...

1. I like reading your lists :)

2. I don't have time for anything but #1

3. Love you!!!

Jill said...

i really really want a dog too. i have lots of extra bagels - i wish i could teleport one to you!

Elizabeth said...

oh #10...what I wouldn't give for teleportation. I agree, nothing should keep you from the things you love the most.

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