Wednesday, September 15, 2010

10 Things I'm Crushing On

1. I LOVE this version of this Gnarls Barkley song

2. That How I Met Your Mother is now playing re-runs every night at 10

3. This bedroom idea. I am planning on trying to the same thing behind my bed...we'll see how that goes.

4. This Tattoo!!! Swooon.
5. Ireland. Can I just go?
6. Hugh. Dancy. I mean, how could you not?!?!
7. Football!! I am so happy football is here! My OU Sooners have already started off the season well! Though my Dallas Cowboys have had a rough start I know there will be many other games for them to break my heart...

8. This dress from Mod Cloth
9. Pumpkin Spice Lattes!
10. This RIDICULOUSLY adorable dog. He is my friend Kyle's and his name is Rosco. Seriously, could be get any cuter??


Jenny King said...

Wow that tattoo is stunning!!

sarahjobell said...

you found modcloth! its my favorite. their dresses are so unique. and their apartment decor is to die for.

Mama said...

I'm going to name the order in which I love these things.

As soon as I have time.....

stayed tuned!

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