Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 1 Of 30 Days of Me

1. Recent Picture of You and 15 Interesting Facts About Yourself:

Ok, not a SUPER recent picture, but I've been REALLY bad at taking pics of myself here in Nash

  1. When I was growing up my best friends were always boys. I still tend to gravitate towards more guy friends than girl friends. Always been that way. I was even the only girl on a t-ball team cause my best friend was a boy and I wouldn't play without him.
  2. I LOVE musicals. I secretly (ok, not so secretly) wish my everyday life was a musical. Seriously, how much more fun would things be, if everyone broke out into song and dance?
  3. If I could pick one thing to be able to do, if would be to sing. I desperately wish I had a beautiful, powerful voice. Instead, I will keep to singing alone in my car or in the shower.
  4. I am determined to live overseas for at least a year of my life. Somewhere like London, or Ireland, or Australia.
  5. I love fairy tale movies, or movies that take you to a magical make-believe world because I miss being able to use your imagination, to make believe. I love escaping into a magical place.
  6. I would almost always rather be barefoot (I'm a hippie at heart)
  7. I don't like being told how to be or act. It always makes me want to push the limits (not a very good quality). And ironically I hate getting in trouble, don't know how these two fit together but they do
  8. I want 5 or 6 tattoos, but am also a little nervous about getting them all. So, we will take it one step at a time.
  9. I absolutely adore Michael Jackson. I completely understand he had his issues, yes. But did that make him less of a musical GENIUS? no. I cried when I watched his funeral.
  10. I don't really like chocolate that much. I never crave it.
  11. I firmly believe that some green chili can make almost anything taste better
  12. My family has turned into my best friends.
  13. People watching is one of my favorite things to do (that sounded a little creeperish).
  14. I'm a dreamer. BIG time. I day dream all the time. Big, sometimes unrealistic dreams, and I genuinely think I can do all of them.
  15. I don't care about being "successful" I just want people in my life who know me, the deepest parts, and love me, and who I love. If I have this, I need nothing else.


sarahjobell said...

haha! i have three tattoos already. there aint no shame, girl! as long as theyre hideable for your profession. thats all that matters!

Keisha Rae said...

oh, I'm gunna get them. I'm addicted and I love them. No shame, just pain :)

sarahjobell said...

haha! im slightly addicted as well. :)

kara lynn said...

mmm yes i so very much relate to you with playing with the boys. i loved being competitive in sports. come to think of it. i actually got kind of good ha

Mama said...

You are so fascinating :) I want to play this game with you, so here I go trying to think of 15 things! Bear in mind, I'm at work and have to hurry, so they might be 15 shallow things.....

1. My nature is to be SUPER SHY. I've overcome a lot of it, but when push comes to shove, it still shows up sometimes.

2. I had a crappy childhood. But my Knight in Shining Armor rescued me and forever changed my life. I love him :)

3. I consider my biggest accomplishment to be the raising of my children in a stable and loving home, where they both met Jesus and have trusted their lives to Him.

4. My greatest joy is my family. Can't even put into words how grateful I am for my husband and my children, and my precious grandbabies, that God would gift me with such extravagance :)

5. Even though I gripe about it, I kinda like my job. Kinda. If I could get a handle on the hours....

6. I NEVER get to work at 8:00. Good thing I'm sleeping with the boss.

7. My two favorite foods are shrimp cocktail and prime rib (with horseradish!). Just realized shrimp sauce has horseradish in it, too. Maybe my favorite food is horseradish????

8. NOBODY makes me laugh like my sister and my daughter. Nobody.

9. I probably don't dress 100% appropriately for my age.

10. I am a true natural blonde. My hair has never been any other color than what it is now. CONFESSION: I use Sun-In on occasion these days to keep it bright. So sue me.

11. I am a perfectionist. That's not always a good thing.

12. I stink at multi-tasking.

13. I am a thinker and a learner.

14. I stink at making decisions. (I blame it on the perfectionist thing -- I feel like I have to make the PERFECT decision, so I'd rather let someone else make the decision, then if it's not the perfect decision, it's not my fault. Yuck. That doesn't look so good when you put it down in writing!)

15. I still believe that God has something GREAT for me to do. Just waiting on Him to show me what it is!

Wow, is that 15 already? haha! Funny thing about people, once we start talking about ourselves, we can get carried away!!

That's all folks!

Mama said...

You are so fascinating :) I want to play this game with you, so here I go trying to think of 15 things! Bear in mind, I'm at work and have to hurry, so they might be 15 shallow things.....

1. My nature is to be SUPER SHY. I've overcome a lot of it, but when push comes to shove, it still shows up sometimes.

2. I had a crappy childhood. But my Knight in Shining Armor rescued me and forever changed my life. I love him :)

3. I consider my biggest accomplishment to be the raising of my children in a stable and loving home, where they both met Jesus and have trusted their lives to Him.

4. My greatest joy is my family. Can't even put into words how grateful I am for my husband and my children, and my precious grandbabies, that God would gift me with such extravagance :)

5. Even though I gripe about it, I kinda like my job. Kinda. If I could get a handle on the hours....

6. I NEVER get to work at 8:00. Good thing I'm sleeping with the boss.

7. My two favorite foods are shrimp cocktail and prime rib (with horseradish!). Just realized shrimp sauce has horseradish in it, too. Maybe my favorite food is horseradish????

8. NOBODY makes me laugh like my sister and my daughter. Nobody.

9. I probably don't dress 100% appropriately for my age.

10. I am a true natural blonde. My hair has never been any other color than what it is now. CONFESSION: I use Sun-In on occasion these days to keep it bright. So sue me.

11. I am a perfectionist. That's not always a good thing.

12. I stink at multi-tasking.

13. I am a thinker and a learner.

14. I stink at making decisions. (I blame it on the perfectionist thing -- I feel like I have to make the PERFECT decision, so I'd rather let someone else make the decision, then if it's not the perfect decision, it's not my fault. Yuck. That doesn't look so good when you put it down in writing!)

15. I still believe that God has something GREAT for me to do. Just waiting on Him to show me what it is!

Wow, is that 15 already? haha! Funny thing about people, once we start talking about ourselves, we can get carried away!!

That's all folks!

Mama said...

Oh dear, it posted twice! I am hogging your comment space! sorry!!

Crystal Addis said...

I love your blog! Thought I would play along!


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