Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Ok, here we go. A look back at 2011. It was quite a year...there were tears, lots of tears, and laughter and hope and disappointment and friendships gained and friendships lost.

I started mending a broken heart, and had hope for a new start.
I started leading my small group and met the people who would be my best friends and family.

There were nights of tears and fears and doubts and whispers from my Savior of hope and promise

Hopes for new jobs and disappointment and confusion that came with rejection.
Dreams let go of, and trust that new dreams would soon come
Met a group of friends that changed my life

Went to an epic U2 concert

Checked "be in a flash mob" off my bucket list as I danced to Michael Jackson's "Beat It" in the middle of Broadway in downtown Nashville
I started running and both hated and loved it
We moved into a new house and got a wonderful new roommate
I learned a lot about relationships and how difficult they can be but how they are always worth fighting for.
I started dating the boy who had become my best friend.
I fell in love.

And in-between all of that. I lived. I


Elizabeth said...

oh my goodness, i just love this post. thanks for letting me part of your year, your friendship means the world to me! LOVE LOVE LOVE YA! :)

Mama said...

Oh wow. Your year.....thinking about the year watching my grandbaby turn 4 and watching my baby turn 24, such a year filled with so much laughter and tears and growing and learning and beauty and imagination and hopes and dreams and Jesus......and you (both!) have so much in front of you and so many unknowns and so much that He will do with you and in you and because you are His. thank you, my sweet daughter, for letting me in on your adventure and for sharing with me pieces of your heart. I love you to the end of the universe and back!! Can't wait to see this same post a year from now :)

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