Monday, January 2, 2012

Dear 2012

I found this on a blog that I follow, her name is Kristie, go check it out. She's a beautiful writer.  I think it's perfect. Beautiful "resolutions". So here's to 2012. Let's do this thing....

 This year I want to be honest, lovingly honest. I want to be myself so deeply that to meet me is to know me, and to read my words is see a bit of my soul. I want to be careful when I need to be, I want to love and protect the person inside while letting her be free; I want her to live life with reckless abandon. I want to stare at all this fear and know I can move forward anyway. I want to be a better friend, remember birthdays, share laughter, discover my voice. I want to enjoy fresh flowers and go on long walks. I want to loose track of time, take pictures, and write it down.

I want to dance, but you already knew that. I want to hear the music and feel the melodies in words, in books, in people, in myself. There must be movement, 2012. I need it. But I also need those sacred weekends for watching too many movies and leaving the bed unmade. I want one long lazy Saturday, nestled between the sheets, enjoying the stillness and knowing I can be completely myself and that is 100% okay. Now that I think about it, I'll take a few of those Saturdays...

I want to give. I want to share with others the joy I have found in loving, in living, in knowing there is something greater, something beyond me that has given me the strength to survive. I want my story to be bigger than just me. I don't know how, but I know there's a way and we can figure it out together. I want to offer hope, and truth, and joy, and give back the blessings I know this year will bring. I know goodness will come, 2012. It's no secret. It's in the cool mornings with warm sunbeams and hot tea, the changing leaves, and simple smiles. It is everywhere, falling into our lives and making the dreary days seem a bit more bearable.

I want to learn, and travel, and discover. I want to work and preferably make money; and if we could find someway to include writing and photography and Europe into that equation you'd be doing me a solid. I promise to work hard and I trust you'll do the same. We've got 12 months to make this all happen. And we'll do it one day at a time.

So cheers to you, 2012!

1 comment:

Dulce Moonchild said...

lovely resolutions, thanks for sharing :) happy new year

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