Thursday, May 26, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

- passing out multiple times after getting a little blood drawn
- the conversation with my mom after the passing out incident, it went something like this I believe me: "sooo...uhhhh...I.........I'm gonna go lay down in my back seat......" mom: "tell me how the appointment went" me:" uhhhh....I'm just gonna lay here for a minute...k...." mom: "um..ok.." apparently even after I made it to my car I wasn't all there.
- The little dance you see everyone doing every time they step outside just to dodge the thousands of cicadas that swarm them
- the small talk you have to make with the repair guy
- not knowing your roommate is home and belting out some embarrassing song upstairs only to come dancing downstairs to discover she actually IS home.
- declaring that Tim McGraw is one good looking man and having everyone look at you like your crazy..really? Have you looked at the man?

- FINALLY getting our air conditioner fixed and the repair guy becoming my FAVORITE person ever
- watching my coworker on the Bachelorette. (he didn't make it past the first week, but still.) Also, not having my coworker be the guy in the mask or the guy who passed out drunk. WIN
- Watching the American Idol finale and my roommate actually TEARING up.
- Seeing the Harry Potter trailer more and more because the release date is getting CLOSER and CLOSER
- Tim McGraw still being a sexy sexy man
- My mom, if you could only see the text messages that woman sends me sometimes. Man she makes me laugh


Darby said...

Love this! Especially the one about you belting out some tunes unaware of your roomie. ;) Epic win. You're my hero.

Nate and Kristin Piston said...

i have done that before too. Only I was a lot younger & i thought I was home alone, so i was singing "Joy to the world" as loud as i could. then i walked past my brothers room to see his cute friend sitting there. Yiiiiiikes!!

Mama said...

Well, I have no embarrassing story to share, as I have never done anything embarrassing....

But I do have this to say:

1. That picture is totally awkward/awesome!
2. Really??? They looked at you like you're crazy? I wouldn't have. ;)_
3. There was a whole room full of us celebrating the fact that your coworker was NOT the guy in the mask....
4. I wish I was as funny as your Mom. She must be awesome!

Mama said...

Oops forgot one!

5. Yes. Sexy. Oh yes.

Mama said...

Oh, forgot something else! Had your coworker been the masked man, as horribly awkward and unfortunate as that might have been, he would have at least made it past the first show!

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