Monday, May 9, 2011

It really is the little things...

I found these on a tumblr called Just The Little Things. I LOVE it. These are just a few of the ones I loved. Seriously, take a few minutes and read through all of them. You'll smile, I promise.

This doesn't happen as often as I would hope :)
I miss this. SO much
If you only knew my dad, you would understand my love for this

It's been too long since I've had this feeling

For me, it's when they say it correctly, or when they don't try to call me Ke$ha. It's not funny anymore

I always feel like a ninja

I find out I'm not as funny or clever as I thought I was


sarahjobell said...

i've seen these before! but it was on another tumblr {they probably copied it}. this is SO great you found it!

Mama said...

Just once, before I die, I want to do #343 -- with you! It would be SO awesome!!!

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