Monday, December 20, 2010


I just think these boys are adorable. A. DORABLE.
I might have a tiny crush on each one of them.
If my husband wanted to look like any of them, that would be ok.

I've always loved Hugh Grant.

Secondhand Serenade. Kind of a tool in concert, but nice to look at.
I think it's the lip ring and tattoos. It's a weakness.

I don't know who this is. but I love his style.

Oh, Joseph Gordon-Levitt....sigh...if only you were about 5 inches taller..

Hugh Dancy. Swoon. Enough said

Andrew Belle may be one of the most adorable boys in the world.
And his music isn't bad either

Well, there it is.
Ladies, enjoy.
Men, take from this what you will

1 comment:

Mama said...

Thank you.

That is all.

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