Friday, December 10, 2010


My friend Grace is a beautiful person and an amazing writer. For years now her blog has contained posts that have spoken to my soul. Words I most needed to hear or couldn't find a way to say. I have accepted that I will never be able to put things into words like she has, so instead of trying I have asked her if I could feature the posts that have impacted me through the years on my blog. To share them with you, because they are SO. GOOD. Like too good for you not read. So today starts the GLB Post Feature:

And yet another chapter is closed.

Sometimes we just have to move on. Even if we don't understand why it ever happened, what it is, what it was, where it's going, or where it might have gone.

And trust the Father's goodness. Not just His goodness...but His goodness for us.


Mama said...

Wow. Grace got in your heart and wrote about it. Amazing Grace :)

GLB said...

Aw, these words aren't my own. Really truly God says things through me that I myself look back on with surprise and new eyes. Thanks keisha

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