Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Breathe In. Breathe Out.

Joy. Gratefulness. These words seem to be irrevocably intertwined. This truth seems to be swept over me again and again. I see it everywhere; there is no joy without thankfulness walking right beside it.
It’s like a breath. You breathe in thankfulness, you breathe out joy. In and out. In and out. Sometimes life gets in the way, it seems to block our inhale and we have to fight to get the breath.  When we do, it’s sweet, like the biggest breath you take after coming up from underwater. It’s life giving and we must fight for it just as we would fight for air.
When your job makes you want to pull your hair out, breathe in. When your possessions seem to be breaking all at once, breathe in. On days where the tears fall, breathe in. When everything is going well, breathe in. Keep breathing until it becomes default.


Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

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