Sunday, December 14, 2008

I can't believe it has been 4 and a half months since I:

*Drove a golf cart

*Wore a name tag

*Ate in an ice box

*Had daily staff meetings

*told people when to go on stage

*had talks in the holding tank

*hung out with bands

*judged cooking

*said "welcome to the missions center, can I help you with anything?"

*played Simon Says

*taught a bible study

*wore a blue or green t-shirt


*star gazed


*hung out on "make out hill" ha!

*had to scan my card to get into a building

*went to a differnet cabin for dinner everynight

*sang with 7,000 other people

*made a root beer float

*wore a headset

*heard about sheep

*tied a headress

*registered someone for something

*picked up trash

*pulled weeds

*had to be inside by 11

*had to fear being caught by an old man in all black

*played Rhamba

*wore a sweatshirt in the middle of the summer

*rode in the Mob

*sold skate gear

* set up chairs

*had the best summer of my life

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