Sunday, June 21, 2009

New love

So, I have the best dad in the whole world! My old computer was dead, a complete piece of trash. It was time for a new one. Well yesterday I went out to get prices etc. on different computers. Was in the Apple store getting a price quote for the kind of Mac I would need. I called my dad to relay the info to him, and after some time of silence on the phone, he told me to go ahead and get it!! excited, and even more blessed. I know that most people don't have the opportunities I do and I am daily so thankful for the life I have been blessed with.

All that to say I am already in LOVE with this new computer. I am still figuring it out and will be for a LONG time. But it's so fun! I have even named him. His name is Hugh.


Mama said...

Hugh??!! Hahahaha! I'm trying to imagine how that came about.... :) Hope he meets all your expectations and never disappoints you! You have Hugh, and you have Sean.........what more could you need???!!!

Mama said...

PS. Great new blog look :):)

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