Thursday, July 22, 2010


Writing this post scares me. Mostly because it has a sense of finality about it.

Last week I went as a sponsor with our youth group to Falls Creek.

For those of you who don't know what Falls Creek is, let me explain. Falls Creek is a baptist youth camp in Davis, OK. It holds about 7,000 youth every week for 7 weeks during the summer. One of the biggest camps in the country. It is a blessed place. A place where God does big things, he changes hearts, and calls many to his arms.

Falls Creek holds an extra special place in my heart. It has a piece of my heart. I have gone to Falls Creek twice a summer every summer since I was in the 7th grade. During those weeks God whispered softly, spoke powerfully, changed everything, and drew me back to him time and time again. You get a certain spiritual high when you are there, for some it fades, for some it is so deep in your soul you could never shake it out. I think I'm the latter.

During those years I:
- felt called to ministry
- saw my peers come to Christ
- became best friends with a girl named Kellory (who I still love dearly).
- had many crushes
- felt the presence of God some of the strongest I ever have.

If that wasn't enough to win a piece of my heart, 2 summers ago I worked there. I was blessed to be a part of a team that became family. It was the best summer of my life. During those 3 months I:
-learned what discipleship truly is
- got a taste of love
- made life long friends
- sizzled and star gazed
- became a member of Cruise Club (cruise fo life!)
- grew in my faith leaps and bounds
- was stretched WAY out of my comfort zone
- became passionate about missions
- walked with a dear friend through dark and heartbreaking times
- opened up parts of me I had never let others see before
- had my heart broken
- learned about unexplainable peace
I could go ON and ON. I don't think I can put into words how dear this place is to me, how much of my heart it has and will always have.

Since I am moving to Nashville in about 2 weeks this last week was quite possibly the last time I would go to Falls Creek. My heart broke, it ached as soon as we pulled up. That first night as I looked around during the evening service at the 7,000+ students and adults gathered together worshiping our Savior together I lost it. I couldn't help it, it was beautiful. Oh how I will miss those evenings.

All week my heart felt heavy. I knew that it was time to move on, not to forget, but to let go. So that's what I did. I cried several more times and on Saturday I said goodbye to this place that had become like home to me.

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a part of something like that. Thank you.


Mama said...

Beautiful, my sweet girl. To have been to a place so holy and dripping with the presence of God so many times, it's such a gift. He has made you who you are because of it. Now take that beauty, that certainty of who He is, that passion, that strength, and live your life differently because of it. My heart is sad with yours because you have no idea if He will allow you to go back there. Endings are always tough.....I wish I could say something to change that, but it's just true. But, beginnings are always exciting, too!! So, here's to amazing, life changing pasts....and to new beginnings! HERE WE GO!!

Kellory said...

I love you!

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