Thursday, July 28, 2011

Every mile a memory

Last night I went riding with a friend so we could enjoy Eric Church's new album in car speakers. Cause there is just nothing like listening to an album in the car.

Windows down, sonic drink in hand, surrounded by the music and the wind.

There was one song that I loved, mainly because of this one line, "funny how a melody sounds like a memory".

I love that.

A song can send you to another place and time, when you were someone else, when life meant something else. It can bring back memories of heart break, of love, of friendship, of careless high school nights.

Now, that album will always remind me of a summer night in 2011 riding around with a friend and laughing till I can't breathe.

The power of music is magical.

1 comment:

Jill said...

so true. it happened to be this weekend and it was extra cool because 2011 jill met 2008 jill and all of a sudden i understood things that had been bothering me for years.

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