Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy List

My list of happy for the day:
1. A church where I constantly leave challenged and refreshed
2. A small group that has become my family. People to do life with, to dig into the word with, to pray with.
3. A warm office to work in on a rainy day
4. A rainy day
5. Texts from a boy that make me laugh out loud
6. My parents come into town TOMORROW for Thanksgiving.
7. Getting to the end of a good book
8.  The promise that my house is going to smell delicious
9. Space heaters
10. Being reminded that this life is a gift. Every moment, every job, every relationship, every thing I have is a gift and I am not owed on bit of it, yet God's goodness has blessed me with all of it. For that I am grateful.

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