Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cry Fest 2012

OH my goodness. The past two days have been the worst. The. Worst. I don't want to go into all the dramatic detail but let's just say I have cried more in the past 2 days than I have in MONTHS. Which is maybe why I cried so much, there was too many stored up tears, when one fell, they ALL fell. I am a firm believer that sometimes you just need to cry. But I am NOT a firm believer that you need to full on break down over something that, yes was upsetting, but does not warrant a cry fest on the phone to your mom. But, regardless, that is what happened. Luckily, these days do end, and the next day or even the next hours look a little brighter.

1 comment:

Mama said...

You can cryfest on me anytime, baby girl.

Although I will agree, it was a teensy tiny bit of a dramatic reaction.... :P

BUT, what are Mamas for?!

Love you to the moon and back!!

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