Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Today was one of those days. You know, the ones. Where for no real legitimate reason you feel heavy. Like your emotions have reached the tip of the glass and are now deciding to spill over. And the way they decide to come out is to literally spill out of your eyes. One of those days...

The tears just kept coming today. Whenever they felt like it, for no reason at all, all of a sudden my eyes would be full of tears and they would just spill over. I couldn't stop them and I couldn't explain them. But they felt like they came from the pit of me. So deep that I am sure they really have nothing to do with the things that happened today that made me release them.  No they were the result of many other things. Things that I know I am going to have to deal with. Things I am going to have to fight.

There is some good news. I don't have to fight them alone. I might have to really figure out what they are alone. That is probably going to take some serious time in prayer and reflection, but I do not have to fight them alone. First I have a Savior that promises never to leave me, that promises to help me carry my burdens, that will be by my side every step of the way giving me his strength. And if that was all I had, that would be enough, He is enough. But it's not all I have. I have parents who will fight with me. Who will pray over me. Who will always support me. Who love me. I have a boyfriend who will stand beside me, who will shoot down the lies of Satan with truth, who will hold my hand. I have a small group of girls who will pray with me, check in on me, listen to me and love on me the way that only girl friends can. I have people. And that makes days like today bearable. Because I know they won't last and that I am not alone. I refuse to let Satan make me believe I am alone. That was one of his main lies today. And he is wrong. So very wrong.


Nate and Kristin Piston said...

today was one of those days for me too, keisha :) just felt really heavy & down all day :(

Mama said...

All those people that you have who love you....all those people you listed -- THEY ARE THE PROOF that Satan is lying to you!!!!!!

Praying that you hear truth today! That your heart is covered with the breastplate of HIS righteousness and you are held together with the belt of truth. That the SWORD of His WORD shreds to pieces the ridiculous lies of Satan (Deceiver) and that they fall on deaf ears because the shield of faith has sent them bouncing right back where they came from. That your mind and thoughts will be protected today by the helmet of salvation -- the knowledge that you are HIS child, a KING'S child, that filters all the thoughts in your head. That your feet will find places to go where you can and will make a difference. You are a beautiful warrior, and without you there is a hole in the battle lines! If there is no other purpose, there is at least that.

Love you to the moon, my angel :)

Fighting for you (and next to you) and praying over you always ~


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