Saturday, September 22, 2012


Lately I feel like the Lord is teaching me SO much. I almost feel overwhelmed with everything I am learning and remembering these days.

It's so funny to me how there can be times of "drought" and then you pray for a renewal and all of a sudden you get a downpour!

I am absolutely loving it. I feel so close to Him. I feel him guiding me and I find myself reacting or saying things that without his Spirit I would never say or do. It's so neat to see HIS love and words come out of you, it even catches you off guard sometimes.

 I hope I can get it all down. To write and write and remember all the things he is sweetly and powerfully teaching me, whispering to me, and calling me to.

There are scary moments in times like this. Moments where you know you cannot say the same. Moments where he trusts you with something you're not sure you can handle (but then you remember He doesn't expect you to handle it on your own anyway). But what is life without a little fear right? If nothing in your life scares you then how fully are you truly living?

That might have been a whole lot of random thoughts that don't flow together at all. If it was, I apologize. Like I said, I have a lot going on in this little mind of mine and that could mean things like making sense and forming correct sentences might go out the window.

The end. Amen.

1 comment:

mama said...

This. Is. Awesome.

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