Saturday, October 27, 2012


Autumn is the time for lovers.
A chill in the air.
Cold hands wrapped around hot drinks.
Steam swirling around cold bitten faces.
Shortening of days and lengthening of time inside.
Scarves and boots and slouchy hats.
Blanket snuggles on the couch and movie marathons
Apples and pumpkins, cider and coffee.
There is magic in the air.
It's the perfect time to fall in love. 
For the first time or all over again. 


Jill said...


(ps - the prove-you-aren't-a-robot letters had me spell out "lip lices" so that's finn.y)

Mama said...

This year in particular, I am loving this season. Feeling very thankful for the beauty and the change, the promise of the holidays and all that comes with them. Somehow all of it seems peaceful this year and I am KNOWING that the creator of it all is with me and with my family while everything in and around us is changing......

Mama said...

PS That picture is so beautiful!!!!

Dulce Moonchild said...

Autumn is the best :)

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