Monday, December 9, 2013


I am finding that the older I get, the more introverted I am. I read this article yesterday and I identified with just about every single one.

I wish/hope my friends understand that when I turn down a party, or leave early, or look like I am not having a good time because I am quiet or by myself for a few moments, that it has nothing to do with them, or the party. I am probably having a good time, or have had a good time, and I definitely appreciate the invite. It's just that I am probably totally exhausted by the people. Or I just don't have it in me to venture into a room full of people I may or may not know and small talk. It's scary and exhausting. At the same time, please don't think I want you to stop inviting me. Please invite me. I want to be a part of things..I just may not want to be a part of everything. 

I would love to go to lunch or coffee or dinner or a drink with you and maybe on or two others. I would talk and laugh and have a wonderful time, because you see, I can handle a small crowd in a manageable setting. So have some grace and understanding with this introvert when she doesn't show up or seems less than enthused after a few minutes at a party. She loves you. Then, offer her a cup of coffee and a little one on one. 

1 comment:

mama said...

haha! Oops! many times did I ask you if you were OK while we were there at Thanksgiving?? My bad. I know this about you (AND myself, by the way) but have never really "owned it" or heard it described with so much candor. It's usually something we introverts try to hide, or overcome, or change...but, alas, to no avail! So, I promise -- at Christmas I will not judge or ask you if you are OK a million times ;) And maybe we will sit quietly in a room and read books sometimes.....

Love you!!!

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