Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just Write

Just write. Write about fears and dreams. Write about feelings and moments and thoughts. Write. Chase. Remember.


Write about how the sun warming your skin makes you want to run and twirl and collapse in the grass to watch the clouds go by. Or how putting on your favorite sweater in comforting in a way you can’t quite explain. Write about the way your job makes you feel, or sometimes how it makes you not feel.
Write about your daydreams. Like the one where you and your love move to Ireland and work in little shops, barely getting by but having the adventure of your lives. Or how you move to a beach town and live for the beach and each other.
Write about Guatemala and how even after 4 years you can’t seem to get it out of your head and desperately want to go back and love on the beautiful people, while they teach you more than you could ever teach or do for them.
Write about your favorite songs and the memories they bring to mind. Write about college and the girl you were then, the things you learned and the ways you’ve seen yourself grow. Write your biggest dreams even they sound completely ridiculous. Put them out there. Don’t be afraid of them. Write about new hobbies or things you just try once. Write about the things love has taught you.
 Be bold. Be brave. Write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be bold. Be brave. Write more. About all of those beautiful things.

Much love, beautiful daughter,


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