Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

I bought watercolor stuff at Wal Mart the other day. I haven't got to use it all yet. I bought paper and brushes and some watercolor paint. I just got this urge to want to paint. I've never done it before but I think it would be relaxing. I'm kinda excited about it. Even if I suck at it, who cares! If I like it then that's all that matters! I also got out my little keyboard and played on it yesterday. I am just in an artsy mood these days. It relaxes me and makes frustrations and responsibilities fade for a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Art and music are some of the tangible definitions of "beauty". God gave us so many amazing gifts it seems like we couldn't possibly experience and appreciate them all even in 10 lifetimes! I'm so glad you are experiencing so much and appreciating so much. You open my eyes all the time to new beauties -- thank you!

And -- you should post your painting!

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