Friday, July 10, 2009

Needed Words

My friend Jen just put this on Facebook, and I am now sharing it with you. She wrote this while she was in Australia and it was EXACTLY what I needed, and still do need. I hope it does for you what it did for me. Beautiful.

Be still, my soul. The Lord is on thy side.
Trust My warmth, Beloved.
That word seems to sting a bit now, but I Am speaking that truth into you like before,
and yet, like never before.

Trust Me.
I do see you.
I hear your heart
the desires
the questions
the confusion
the crying out
the passions
the brokenness

Trust for My discernment.

Trust that I Am.

Trust that I Am
Aching with you
Fighting over you
Dreaming in you
Putting things in place you have yet to imagine
Quieting your soul with My singing (Zephaniah 3:17)
Can you hear it?
In this breeze
In the sound of life all around
In the warmth
the waves
In the endless thoughts
your heart-cry
your deep desires beginning to rise to the surface
in this thing stirring within which you are just beginning to sense

I Am here
Breathing rest
Breathing life
even in this
Calling forth my plan for you e
ven in this

Oh my Beloved,
I have a great plan for you
You can sense it
You know all of these things are not simply chance
this exact place
these exact emotions
this very deepening
none of it is an accident
I have been here all along.
I Am here all along.

Rest in Me
in My dreams for you
My plans for you
My life for you
My hope for you

that I will give you discernment
to be at peace with this
to move in the wave of My Spirit

Rest in Me, My child
You are My Beloved, and My desires are for you (Song of Songs 7:10)

1 comment:

Mama said...

There are no more words. Thank you, Jesus, for this, and for my sweet daughter's new friend.

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