Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So I have 12 days left in Nashville. That is not a lot of time. I am so split on my feelings. On one hand I am excited to get back to school and my friends and my new townhouse. To get started on BLUE stuff and my senior year. On the other hand, I am falling in love...with this city. The people, the music, my church, everything. I am sad to see my time here slip away. I am trying to make the most out of these last two weeks.


Nini said...

Great quote! And so true -- life is an adventure, a process, a "collage" of experiences and people and places. We take pieces of all of them with us wherever we go, and we leave little pieces behind for other people to take with them....

What a wonderful summer! Again! You've had a few of those... :)

Mama :) said...

OOps!!! Haha!!! I called myself "Nini"! How weird...!

Anonymous said...

this is so true. and I totally can commiserate with you on the going back to school/ loving this city. love ya and can't wait to see you

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