Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Week in Photos

This week was good. Nothing extraordinary. Just life. Monday was National Margarita Day so me, Christina and our friend Andrew went out to celebrate.

The rest of the week was just life as normal. I did finally get to go to the chiropractor on Friday and it was amazing! It had been WAY too long and boy did it feel good. Work was what it always is. A little boring, but thank the Lord I have a job and at least the people I work with are great. This week we did have our first tornados here in Nash. It got pretty bad for awhile. There was no actual tornado where we live, but the winds were so bad they tore off a Captain D's sign right down the road and some of the street light wires fell. Not everyone was as lucky. There were places in and around Nashville that were torn up due to an actual tornado touching down. It was pretty crazy. Now, I'm from Oklahoma so I am used to that kind of weather, but I very much understand and respect how dangerous and unpredictable they can be, so I would be ok if we didn't have to deal with another one for awhile.
Saturday was full of grocery shopping, going to see my friend Jimmy Needham play at Acquire The Fire in Nashville, and good long conversations with friends about life, the struggles of being in this phase of our lives, our dreams and desires and even explaining to people from up north what a "hipster" is. haha. It was a good week.

Right now, it's raining outside and I'm curled up on the couch watching movies on our new free Starz channels. UP is next, I love that movie, but the beginning always makes me cry. Then tonight is church and small group. Sunday is probably my favorite day of the week. My church and the people who surround me in it are incredible. I am a very blessed girl.

Well I hope you enjoy your Sunday and have had a wonderful love filled weekend.

1 comment:

Mama said...

I love how "just life" becomes a kind of "event" for you! The coffee in the shopping cart makes me smile! You celebrate the little things (love the picture of the book you are reading) and I love hearing about it all, and seeing it :) Thanks for this post, and thanks for being an awesome daughter! Love you!!!

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