Sunday, October 16, 2011

"I'm tired of justifying....the fight for you is all I've every known..."

There is this band.
This one band that I happen to really like
But one that I am always hesitant to listen to
You see they remind me of you
And I'm afraid you'll sneak back in
That through the lyrics and melodies 
I'll let my guard down by accident 
and you will flood in and take over again
Your name flows through their words, each note
And I can't let you back in
I can't survive it.
So every time I hear their familiar songs on I close my eyes and prepare for you
I fight back memories 
I try to focus solely on the music
and sometimes I am not up to the fight
and I simply sigh and change the song
Today though, today I don't mind the battle.

1 comment:

Mama said...

You fight that battle, sister!!!

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