Thursday, December 8, 2011

Crazy Beautiful Life

Man it has been a crazy week. Monday night I ended up being at the ER until around 3 with Steve. He got food poisoning from some chicken he cooked that night. Guys, it was the most horrible thing ever. He threw up about 30 times in like 2 hours ( gross I know). I've never seen any that sick. I surprised myself and handled it fairly well. I always thought I wouldn't be able to handle being around someone who was throwing up. But when it came down to it, it didn't bother me at all. So, go me? Anyway, that's a gross topic, so moving on. He ended up getting an IV so he could get hydrated and some meds to make him stop throwing up and let him sleep. It was a long night. He's still in recovery mode, mostly just tired all of the time. So, send some prayers his way. He goes on the road this weekend to play a couple shows and needs all the energy he can get.

The rest of the week has been doing all I can to take care of him and getting ready for Christmas parties galore. Tonight our small group is putting on a Christmas party/fund raiser for an organization in Africa called Muzungu Mama Ministries ('s going to be pretty fancy and today I went and bought myself a new little black dress for the occasion. I'm a little sad Steve will be out of town for the party, but I've been going to parties alone for 23 years I suppose I can go to one more. :)

Life is good. I'm a happy happy girl.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Yes! Go you!! You are, without a doubt, a braver person than me!! Steve is a lucky guy :)

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