Monday, December 19, 2011

Love is hard. This is what I'm learning. It's wonderful and fun and exciting but it changes everything. And yes that may sound like common sense, but there is a difference in "knowing" something and being right in the middle of it. This last week was my first lesson. The first time juggling friends and boy became a problem. The first time I messed up and had to apologize. The first time I didn't walk away from him with a smile on my face. The first time he called to fix things. The first of many I'm sure. Communication is going to be the hardest lesson for me to learn. But learning I am. It's a good thing he's so wonderful and patient.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Haha! I Corin. 13. Love is this, love is that....why doesn't it say "Love is freakin HARD WORK"?? it should. Just sayin.

Oh. And. It's a lifelong thing, this learning about love. Isn't that exciting???

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