Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life Changes

Well, once again I’ve been gone for a while. I always have great intentions for blogging regularly and then life happens and I forget or just don’t feel like it at that moment or can’t think of what to write, and then a month goes by and I miss this little space and back at it I go.

There have been a lot of changes happening over here, well really one big change that has led to lots of other changes.

The big change is: I GOT A NEW JOB! After two years of looking and searching and hoping and praying and crying and questioning I got offered a wonderful job at a wonderful company. The company is FBMM and they are a financial management firm that works with musicians and other entertainers. I am an executive assistant in the tax department. This has been my second week here so I am still learning and training but I really feel like I am getting a good grasp on everything they have thrown at me so far. As stuffy as all of that may sound, this place is the complete opposite. This is the music business and the office and people reflect that. Everyone is so nice and laid back and the office is cool (exposed brick, windowed garage doors acting as walls, bright green desks backdrops etc.) I have never felt so at home somewhere that I worked. I fit here. It’s amazing. God knew all this time that he was preparing me for this place and so far it has been worth the wait.
My new desk!

The other big change that this new job has brought to my life is my schedule. Before I was working until 8pm every night and until 1pm every Saturday; I never got to really see my friends, and I missed out on a lot of other weeknight activities. Now I work normal hours. 9-5 and of course have weekends off. These past two weeks I haven’t know what to do with myself all evening, it’s been great! I can actually cook myself dinner, and do laundry and after all that I still have time to sit and watch TV. I can also go out on weeknights, go to a concert, have dinner with a friend, etc. This is going to be so great because I feel as if my relationships were what suffered the most these past 2 years and that is the one thing that really matters in this life.

I am just so excited for this new adventure and all the ways my life is going to continue to change as a result!!

"New Job" Flowers :)

1 comment:

Mama said...

I love this post!!!!! For SO MANY reasons :) I'm so so so excited for and it just makes me laugh to think how on top of things God is the whole time we are incessantly "reminding" Him of our needs and getting frustrated and upset and thinking He is just distracted and has forgotten about us. Silly people we are.....

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