Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sick Days

Today is day 2 of being sick. I have caught the inevitable winter sickness and have been bed ridden for the past two days. I am thankful for Amazon Prime and it's free streaming of Alias, my Kindle (I'm reading The Snow Child, and I just can't stop), Zycam (the cold killer), chap stick, and my wonderful boyfriend who has come over both days to fix me lunch. 

The upside to being sick these past two days is that I have not had to go outside into this horrible weather! It has been cold and rainy and miserable outside and I am just as happy to not have to set a foot in it. Tonight things could get interesting here, we are under a ice storm warning and it could either get really ugly or be totally anti-climactic and just rain. Either way, the people of Nashville are panicking, and I am thankful I didn't have to try and drive to and from work in the madness. I will take my warm bed and my tv marathon any day over that.

Well, the boy is on his way over with Psych to keep me company (being sick can be so lonely) and I have a pot pie in the oven so it promises to be a pretty good evening despite the sniffles and body aches.

I hope your Tuesday finds you well and without ice falling from the sky.


Mama said...

I love that you have a Kindle :)
I hate that you're sick :(
I love that Steve takes care of you, since I'm not there to do it :)
I hate cold, rainy, nasty weather :(
I love reading your blog :)
The End.

Mama said...

PS When I'm bored, I go to your Tumblr page. And just watch. You KNOW what I'm watching......

Wish Tumblr let you leave comments.

"Get in the water!"


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