Tuesday, November 27, 2007


ten things you might not know about me

10.I absolutely love to be spontaneous( sometimes I just can't be and it makes me sad)
9. I wish I could sing well more than anything in the world
8. I want to be confident but in reality I am just a scared little girl that second guesses herself all the time.
7. I don't read the bible as much as I should or I would like to
6. I really really really really miss having close guy friends, and want them again more and more everyday.
5. I write letters to my future husband. It may sound cheesy but I think it will be really cool and probably pretty funny when I get to give them to him.
4. I love it when people smile at me from across the room.
3.I am the champion at speed and Rat King
2. I miss being called Rae
1. Sometimes I actually enjoy writing articles..but more times than not I hate it


Anonymous said...

I knew some of these, but not all. Guess what? Underneath, I'm still a scared little girl who second guesses herself, too...........I think we all are, at one time or another. It's that vulnerability that makes us good friends, kind people, and God-seekers. I don't think it's entirely a bad thing. You have already conquered so much more than I had at your age (and some things that I may never get to conquer at all...) -- you amaze me all the time!

Love you more than egg nog!

Sherah said...

Ummm... so I SO do not believe that you are the "champion" at speed and Rat King - I tought you everything you know... game on sista!

Love you lots and miss you all the time! Can't wait to see you sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

You know what I love. 1. Is that you are becomming a very intelligent and beautiful woman. 2that you stand hard to your beliefs. 3. that you amaze sometimes even though I don't tell you all the time. 4. to watch our videos and to see how you grown-up. 5. HOW AMAZING YOU ARE!!!!!!!!


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