Friday, April 18, 2008


Well its late, and I just finished writing two papers!! College can be dumb, but once you finish the things you are working on it is the best feeling ever! You feel so relieved and accomplished, I like it. So I am mostly done with all the big projects and papers due this semester and it feels really good!

I saw the movie 21 tonight with my future roomie Jill and it was so fun (the movie itself and the future roomie date). The movie was really enjoyable and the ending was great and Jill was real fun too!

I have been thinking how crazy it is that there are no two movies exactly the same, or even close to the same, sure there are similar movie plots but they are all different in big ways. There are thousands of movies out there, yet none of them are the same, crazy. Its the same with songs. Think of all the songs there has ever been. None of them end up with the same tune or words! How crazy is that? If you think about it, its real crazy. And real cool. I love it. There are endless possibilities with music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Music is magical.............

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