Tuesday, August 9, 2011

God Help Me

So, this morning I decided to do the Couch to 5k training program. Sigh...

I have never loved running. Actually if you ask my friends they would tell you that I have proclaimed often how much I hate just running. So why on earth have I decided to get to the point where I can run a 5k? I have no idea.

I guess that's not true at all. I do know. Running is great for you, all of you. Mind and body. It helps you lose weight, get in shape, it's great for your heart, the benefits are endless (well they probably end, but it makes me feel better about my decision to start this dreadful journey if I say they are endless, ok?)

Nobody likes running at first, right? You have to build up to it. And that is exactly what this Couch to 5k program does. It doesn't want you to push yourself so hard at first that you despise running and quit. It's little by little. Run for 60 seconds, walk for 90. rise and repeat.

How am I going to stay motivated? Well I am going to blog about it once a week telling my progress for that week, how i'm feeling etc. I am also going to put stupid cheesy motivational sayings in random places where I will see them and feel guilty about sitting on my butt (yes, guilting myself is a completely acceptable way to stay motivated.) and lastly I am going to get on of my friends (who is a freak and loves to run) to text, call, yell etc at me to make sure I have done my running for the week. And he will, I know he will, and I will get mad at him for it and it will be a great idea for our friendship. And EVENTUALLY (when I am not gasping for air, and barely lifting my feet by the end of the run) I will get a running partner.

This is my plan.

Stay tuned.

And pray for me

1 comment:

Mama said...

Praying.....! :) and PROUD!!! DO IT!!!

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