Saturday, August 6, 2011

Relationships are hard. Really really hard. It doesn't matter if it's a friendship, a romantic relationship or family. It's hard and it's messy and people get hurt and things go wrong and lines get blurred.

It's inevitable.

If these things don't happen in your friendships at least at some point, you're probably not as close as you might think you are.

Because people are messy and stupid and if you really dive into a relationship you're going to see people's mess, the things about them that drive you crazy and you don't like.

It's in those moments where you have to make the decision to either stick with it, fight for it, or run and give up.

The fighting, the wading through the mess, the hurt, the mending, the decision to stay, that's the beautiful part.

That is what makes the laughter, the seeing the good, the love so much better, it makes it real.

There will come a day when relationships aren't hard, where things will be as they were intended to be, and as beautiful as never giving up on relationships is, it also makes me long for what will one day be. Where there are no walls, no past, no games, no shame or fear. Just pure love.

"As far as relationships and people go, I'll take real and messy over fake and pretty every day of the week"

"A perfect relationship isn't actually ever perfect, it's just one where both people never give up"


sarahjobell said...

ah, i write about these issues all the time. i couldn't agree with you more. we are SO on the same page. :)

Mama said...

Beautiful. So very insightful and grown up! Glad you have been able to walk through this and live it out this week, and come through ok :) It took me a lot longer to learn that lesson and to think those deep thoughts. Your friends are blessed to have you, messy and all!! LOVE LOVE LOVE

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