Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

- Jokingly calling your friend your Sugar Daddy and having the old lady at the table next to you give you the stink eye. Chill lady, he's not really my sugar daddy, see look, I'm paying for my own lunch.
- All of a sudden being able/ready to take a nap at ALL TIMES. Seriously, for the past week I don't think there has been a time during the day I didn't have full confidence I could take a long meaningful nap.
- Walking by a couple who decided to have their "what is going wrong in our relationship" talk on a park bench out in the middle of was like a train wreck, so hard to look away. Seriously people, go inside, or in your car, anywhere that innocent bystanders will not get sucked into your relationship drama.
-  Watching a football game at a sports bar and having the waitress come over and say "Honey you're not watching this right?" as if there was no way I actually knew what a football looked like. Why yes mam'm I AM watching that game, if fact I was the one who asked them to put it on this channel.
-The amount of time I spent and the difficulty I had at picking the below picture of Ryan Gosling

-How much my group of friends is obsessed with the new Needtobreathe album. We might all run away together and travel the country soon if we aren't careful.
- Having one of your friends tell you "I need you guys, I just feel better about things when I'm with ya'll. When I don't see you for a week it's like my life starts falling apart". It was seriously the sweetest moment.
- Being a part of a group of friends that feels that way about each other.
- Having people point out how much I say "Ya'll". I didn't think my southerness came through very often, but apparently I say it A LOT.....and ya know what I like it.
- Going on a run for the first time in a couple weeks and not collapsing half way through it. I might just become a "runner" yet.
-Spotify. For a poor 20 something who is OBSESSED with music this little gem has saved my life and opened up my listening options x10923789347893
- Ryan Gosling. Right now the man is everywhere, and I could not be more ok with it. SWOOON. Also, this article about him.


Jill said...

love this. and ryan gosling. (its okay, i think craig likes him too). miss you!

Mama said...

Hahaha! That Ryan Gosling article is hilarious!!!!!

Also.....sugar daddy???? Lol!!!

Mama said...

PS if you and your friends go roaming around the country following NeedtonBreathe, I just have one thing to say.

I'm coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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