Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Ya'll. I am thinking, pretty seriously, about getting braces. I am in emotional turmoil about this decision. On the one hand, I don't want them. I don't want to be a 24 year old girl with braces. I don't want the pain and the insecurity that comes with them. I don't want to be embarrassed to smile or eat. I don't want it. I don't want to wonder if they would secretly bother my boyfriend (this thought is silly) or if everyone I meet can't see anything else but the braces on my teeth. On the other hand. I want my teeth fixed. I want to no longer have to be insecure about my overbite or the shape of my face.I want to see if it will improve my bite and therefore lead to less headaches or neck pain. I want the end result. I want to smile confidently and not be so against getting my picture taken. These things would be life long. The negative would be temporary, A year and a half. Which sounds sooo long, but would fly by. If I don't do it, a year and a half from now I will have wished I just sucked it up and did it. So I think I'm gonna do it. And it will suck for some time. And then I'll get used to it and then it will be over. Amen.


Anonymous said...

I got my braces when I was nearly 21. I have to be honest with you, at times it was terrible. They were always uncomfortable, and even occasionally painful. I never got used to it for the entire two and a half years I wore them. I was also super self-conscious about the way they made me look, eat, talk, smile, etc.

Now here are the good news. Even though I felt like my braces were blatantly obvious, other people very rarely noticed or commented on them (I had ceramic brackets.) Now three years later, I have beautifully straight, perfect teeth. It feels amazing to have something I strongly disliked about myself transformed into one of my best features. I think you should totally go for it. You will absolutely not regret it.

Good luck!

Jill said...

go for it! i think you'll be glad you did. sometimes they hurt and stuff, but trust me - no one will be bothered by the way you look with braces - so don't quit smiling while they're on!

Mama said...

I believe the insecurities this will erase are far greater than the insecurities it may cause! God has such a life planned for you, and it's time to get this offa your mind and outta your way!!!!
Love you, my beautiful angel!!!! ��

Sondra said...

My sister bought/paid for her own braces just out of high school, and I also have a friend who got braces in her mid/late twenties after getting married. Both of them were "older" than the norm for braces, but they would both tell you now that it was a great investment and totally worth it. They smile all the time without reservation. It will be a pain for a short time, but it will reap a lifetime of reward!

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