Wednesday, April 11, 2012


You know those days when all of a sudden you are super inspired to do all of the things you always say you are going to do. To get done EVERYTHING you can think of that you have EVER wanted to do. And then you start to get a little overwhelmed and instead of making a plan to take it one step at a time you want to just forget all of it?

That's where I am. But instead of forgetting all of it, instead of staying where I've always been, I will take one step. I will do one thing at a time, I will not look back a year from now and see that I never made one change. I hope.

1 comment:

Mama said...

At 50-ish, I still have such a long list!!!! Haha! Checking everything off is definitely a life-long project, so don't feel bad about not getting it all done in one day!!!

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