Saturday, May 5, 2012

A review: Body Shop Seaweed Purifying Facial Cleanser and Toner

I have struggled with acne my whole life. I have tried almost every treatment I could think of short of extreme measure or medications. My acne has never been REALLY bad, but it's always been there, bad and consistent enough to bother me and be noticeable. I tried Proactive several times, each time with the same result, it would kind of work but not well enough for the money I was paying for it, plus it would ruin all of my towels and even my pillowcases because the chemicals that were in it would bleach everything. I've tried all natural washes, every brand out there that was well known, I even tried homemade washes. Nothing seemed to really work.

For Easter my mom got me a Living Social deal to Body Shop. I had tried one of their face wash kits before and it didn't really work. I was planning on just getting something fun for myself with my little gift. When I walked in the worker told me that they were having a buy 2 get 2 free sale going on, they always seem to be having great deals like that there. So I went to browsing and surprise surprise I couldn't figure out what I wanted. After probably 10 minutes of me just looking at shelves the nice girl that was working asked if she could help me. She asked me what kind of skin I had and what problems I had with it. When I told her she recommended the Seaweed collection. I was skeptical but I thought "what the heck, it can be my 2 free products". So I bought the cleanser and toner and headed home.

I have been using it for a little over a month and let me tell you guys. I LOVE it. First, it smells awesome! Second, it doesn't ruin any of my stuff, third its pretty cheap, and lastly and most importantly, it works. It works better than anything I have tried before. My face started looking better than it had in years. And not just my acne, but my skin overall. I still get breakouts, especially around that magical time of the month, but the thing is, this stuff takes care of them quickly. The worst of it will usually just last a day or two and then I start to see them fading. There are days that I don't wear makeup and I don't want to cover my head with a paper bag and hide in a corner. That is huge. I really couldn't be happier with this stuff. Yes, I still have a little acne, and I still get breakouts now and then, but they are not nearly as bad as they used to be and they don't last long. This stuff is gentle, it doesn't irritate my skin and it does it's job.

It gets an A+ from me


Nate and Kristin Piston said...

oow! i'll have to try this stuff out. i like proactive but sometimes its too harsh on my skin, plus i hate having it ruin all our towels/everything!! Those hormonal monthly breakouts are the worst for me too :( I might just give this one a shot!

Mama said...

I'm SOO mad that I forgot about this stuff when I used my Groupon!! Next time I'm at the mall, I'm gettin me some!!

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