Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I read a post similar to the one I am about to post over at I Love You To the  Moon. Funny, I was planning on blogging about this earlier today and then read her post. Anyway..let's get on with it.

I have had one of those weeks. You know the ones. I have been in such a funk, and I know exactly why, but knowing why doesn't always make it easier to get out of it. I have been a grey cloud and have cried at random times for no reason and I have slept horribly and eaten poorly and haven't exercised.I have beat myself up about it, which has made everything worse.
But you know what?
It's ok.
It's ok to have a bad day .
It's ok to not be perfect with my workouts or my diet.
It's ok to cry ( but if you randomly start crying around your boyfriend be sure to inform him that it wasn't his fault....)
It is not ok, however to beat myself up or to dwell on those feelings. So I choose to let them go. To take a deep breath and close my eyes and count my blessings and be so thankful for the life I have. It's pretty impossible to be sad when you are being thankful.
And if that doesn't work...
I will remember that MY MOMMA is coming to visit me tomorrow for the weekend! That is reason enough for that funk to get to gettin.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Oh yes. Go away funk!!!
Begone, ye olde funke!
Skedaddle, funkiedoodle!
Adios, funko!!
Atscay, unkfay!
BOO!!!........haha where are you now, scaredy-funk???

Ya. For reals. Just leave, Mr. F.

We have some serious fun to have and you are SO NOT WELCOME.


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