Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanks in November

Since this is the month of Thanks I have decided to do a weekly(?) thankfullness post. Maybe more often if I feel like it :) There is so much to be thankful for in our lives and thinking about them and writing them down can totally turn your day around. It changes your perspective and makes you realize all the little things that you are worrying about are nothing compared to the blessings we have. SO here we go, my first 5 things:

1. A warm and cozy house to come home to every day. (We get couches on Saturday yay!)
2. My mom for always sending me just the right words when I need them most.
3. My dad for encouraging and supporting me through this crazy time in life.
4. Apple cider
5. The feel and warmth of Steve's arms.

1 comment:

Mama said...

This is wonderful :) So wonderful, it inspired me! Hop onto our family website and join the Thankfulness discussion!

I'm thankful for YOU!

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