Monday, September 17, 2007

Caution: Do not compare

So this is going to be a serious yet happy post!

This weekend i went to Breakaway, it is a retreat my school takes every year. I went expecting to just have a good time with Jenna, Kristin, and Lisa. I did accomplish that,but i got so much more out of it. The first night the speaker spoke about image, and how we can take on the image of Christ and make that our focus or how we can compare ourselves to other people constantly. Comparing ourselves to others is either to tear us down or tear others down. Normally when you compare yourself with someone else you are either wishing you had something they have and you don't or are telling yourself you are glad you have something they don't. He told us that this is such a horrible image to have. When you do that, the focus is always on you, you are so busy worrying about what you do or don't have that you miss out on people, opportunities or letting God use you. This is something I have been struggling with SO much! I am constantly thinking "Wow i wish i had hair like hers" or "She has such a great personality, i wish i could be like her" etc...It has done nothing but bring me down. And so then in return when i am feeling down i try to find things to make me feel better about myself like.."Well at least I don't do that, or dress like her" and i know this is a horrible thing to do. But you can't tell me you have never done the same thing. It is just human nature.

Well i decided to no longer do that, to focus on taking on the image of Christ. Every time I catch myself doing this I stop, and try to think of an aspect of Christs character that i need to focus on working on today. So far it has worked. I'm not saying im all fixed and am never going to compare myself to people ever again, im going to have to work on it everyday, but im so excited and willing to do that. These past two days that i have been putting this into practice i have felt more free, at peace and happy than i have in a long time. I am not finding my happiness and worth in what others think of me or what i think of other people. If people do not accept me for who i truly am than I dont want to have them in my life anyway. There is no need to try to be what im not to make the friends i think i want. I am who i am and happy with that.

I am still going to need help in this though, so if you go to school with me or talk to me regularly and catch me comparing myself to someone please bring it to my attention and make me stop!! and if you are not around me if you could pray for me to have the strength to do this everyday that would be amazing!!!!

ok sorry for such the long post!


Anonymous said...

wow. you are so amazing (just by yourself, not compared to anyone else!!) it's just how God made YOU and I'm SO thankful that you are my daughter! You made me cry at work....

This, my darling, is a HUGE turning point for you. I'm extremely proud of you and can't wait to see how this decision shapes the next part of your life!
I think things are about to get really good!

Read the stuff I'm going to send you, and you might not be able to contain yourself -- you might have to do a "dee dah day" dance :) (you'll get that later)

And always know -- I'm praying for you!

Love you more than Indian Summer!

Anonymous said...


I am so proud of you. You are truly an amazing, beautiful woman. Keep your eyes focused on God and he will do amazing things with you. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Grace! God made you the beautiful young lady you are; He loves you and I love you and I am so proud of how you are growing in the Lord. HE is amazing and made you amazing.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Keisha!! I see you transforming into such a wise young woman. You are such a beautiful daughter of the King, and I'm praying for you.

Love ya lots,

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