Friday, April 16, 2010

Lately she found herself missing that summer. She thought about it all the time.
She wasn't exactly sure why.
No, she knew exactly why. There were many reasons.
Some that made her smile, some that made her cry.
But this she knew, without a doubt.
There is a bond created with those she grew to love that summer.
One that those on the outside will never understand.
One that will never fade or weaken.
When you are a part of something that changes your life
Those that are changed beside you, with you, that experience those experiences, again that those on the out side will never understand, are a part of you somehow.

She loved this. It was her favorite part of remembering.
Sometimes it was painful
More often it brought her joy, tremendous joy.

She also knew she could never return.
Not in the way she had before.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Beautiful. How blessed you are to have had an experience like that, that your Father used that summer and those people and those heartaches and those joys to work in you, to change you forever. Some have never had that, and never will. You are loved.

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